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NEW * NEU * NUEVO * ONLINE-TV from the Costablanca Spain * Online-Tv von der Costablanca in Spanien * Reportage from Cultur, Politic, Sport and more.....!!! THE FIRST ONLINE-TV Worldwide from the Costablanca in Spain

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Torrevieja Beds Vela-BeachTorrevieja

Bike`s * Bicicletas

Traspaso * Leasehold    Optica * Optiker    Real Estate – Inmobiliaria   Restaurante  


Service-Firm`s    Pub - Cafeteria   GYM - Fitness   Beauty-Salon   Craftmen


Zapatos - Fashion - Modas   Tattoo - Piercing   PC-Service + Internet   Print-Shop   Car - Coche


Terapias Alternativas   Butcher`s - Carne   Cleaning – Firm`s   Doctor`s 


House-Service   Credit - Dinero   Infantil - Chlidren   Jewellery - Joyeria   Phone-Shop Locutorio


Electric - SAT-TV - Clima   Hairdresser - Peluqueria   Muebles   Transporte-Service


Insurance-Seguros   Plumber - Fontanero    Fun-Music-Erotik   TAX-Office


Piscinas - Pool    Animals - Animalworld   Centro de Estudios – School-Centre


Travel - Viajes     Disco - Sala de Fiestas  Auto Escuela - Car-School


Market - Giftshop - Mercado - Tiendas – Shop`s    Justicia – Abogado    Colchones – Mattresses



MOTORBIKES - Motos de Ocasion

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The BEST Internet-Radio and Televisiσn from Torrevieja under:






  Since the mid-1980's, principally due to a property boom both in Spain and other, more northern European countries, many thousands of people from all parts, mainly Great Britain, Scandinavia and Germany have set up home in the warmer climes of the mediterranean sunshine. Most new residents are attracted by the quality of life and sense of well-being that everyday sunshine provides, some for the health giving properties of the town's two salt lakes, and many who, upon reaching retirement age, decide to enjoy the freedom that their retirement offers by adopting the tranquil way of life that Spain has to offer.
The prospect of a move to a different country has proved not to be so daunting as many would expect, Spain is a progressive and responsible member of the European Community and the way of life, generally, is not so different from the colder climes left behind. However, inevitably, certain things ARE DIFFERENT: the language, the beaurocracy, the 'system'.
Recognising the needs of it's around 83,000 residents from other parts, Torrevieja Town Hall, under the direction of the mayor, Jose Manuel Dolon, has set up a special office aimed at making life that little easier for those unfamiliar with the 'Spanish way'. The office, which first opened its doors in December 2008, is situated immediately next door to the main town hall and is open every weekday from
9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. The principal aim of the office, to act a a liason between the 'foreign' residents and local government, dealing with complaints, constructive critisism and even useful suggestions, has almost been superceded by the need for a type of 'advice bureau'. The staff, who are able to communicate in Spanish, English,German and French, offer friendly advice and assistance on such divers subjects as the obtaining of residence cards, health and social security, social services etc. offering guidance on how to deal with a beaurocracy which is sometimes different to that which they are used to. The office, under the direction of a British-born resident who has encountered the same difficulties as any 'foreigner in Spain', also works towards a greater intergration of the foreign population through publicising, supporting and, on occasions organising, events aimed at bringing the various communities of such a cosmopolitan town together.



Imprescindibles en tu Agenda:


Ayuntamiento……………………………965 710 250

Bomberos……………………….………..966 704 433

Cruz Roja………………………..………..966 704 848

Guardia Civil……………………………..965 710 113

Iberdrola………………...………………..965 710 248

Policia Local…………………….……..092 571 01 54

Radio Taxis……………………………….965 712 277

Estaciones de Autobuses……..………966 701 068

Agamed………………………………..….902 222 306

Correos……………………………….......965 710 679

Oficina Turismo………………..……..…965 703 433


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